Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The "out the door" struggle

Every morning it is a wrestling match to get Juliana out the door to playschool. Jason and I both understand that she has so little control over her life right now, and digging in her heels and refusing to cooperate is one way to exert control. But it is so frustrating!

Once she gets to school, she really enjoys it. It's the process of waking up, getting dressed, fed and up to school that doesn't work so well. I think she's more of a night owl like her daddy.

If only you could reason with a 2 1/2 year old!


Jason said...

I completely agree! And great site, by the way.

Jennifer said...


Glad to hear that you made it to 30 weeks!!! Let's hope the baby stays in even longer.

I'm guessing that maintaining your blog and checking out everyone else's blog will keep you busy and entertained while on bedrest! Later on, this will be a nice record that you and your family can look back on.