Monday, February 19, 2007

Bedrest - 30 weeks and counting!

Hello all, and welcome to our new blog!

I've been on bedrest now for almost six weeks and have made it to week 30 in this pregnancy. This is a huge milestone for us because Juliana was born at 29 weeks and spent nine weeks in the NICU at Pennsylvania Hospital. So we are in uncharted territory and hoping it continues that way!

While bedrest is not easy, it feels a lot better at 30 weeks than it did when it started back at 24 weeks. And it is infinitely better than Juliana's time in the NICU, so hopefully baby will stay put for several more weeks at least.

More to come shortly, as I figure out how to operate this blog site! Stay in touch...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hi Nancy!

Welcome to blog land! It is such a great way to pass the time! You're gonna love it! : )
