Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mommy sick day

Well, I finally caught whatever Jason had. Headache, sore throat, achy, chills, with a forecast of drippy nose for tomorrow (that's how his progressed). Definitely not fun, especially since there's a limited amount of drugs I can take while pg.

It is interesting that I didn't show symptoms until I went out yesterday for my dr's appointments. I do wonder if it has to do with the cold outside, going in and out of buildings, etc.

Guess it's not safe to leave the hermetically sealed bubble we call our bedroom!


Andrew said...

Sorry to hear that you're sick, Nancy. If it makes you feel any better, it could be worse: all of my students are contracting a horrible stomach flu. (The administration is referring to it as the "Haverplague.") Conveniently enough, it JUST HAPPENS to be affecting them right before midterms...

Ashley said...

Yuck, Nancy! I hope you are feeling better soon!
