Saturday, February 24, 2007

In this corner, weighing in at 30 pounds...

The 2 1/2 year old always wins. How is this possible? Short of using sheer physical size (which never goes well), small child always grinds us down.

Case in point: this morning, Jason trying to get Juliana out the door to music class. Now, he is not dragging her off for torture, or early SAT prep, or anything like that. She loves music class, especially with daddy.

But...right at that moment, stickers were the way of the world. To heck with music class, she was determined to stick all those stickers. "Juliana, we're going to be late to music class." "No, Daddy." "We're going to miss I'm So Happy." "Stickers, Daddy." "Don't you want to play with the instruments?" "Doing stickers, Daddy."

At this point poor Jason, who is sick and dragged himself out of bed to take his little girl to music class, was about to explode. Luckily there were only four stickers left at that point so by the time he calmed himself down, she was finished stickering and was ready to go.

Now, I don't want to make it sound like she always gets her way. She definitely does not; we use no, distraction and alternatives a lot. But when she digs her heels in, there is no budging.

Somewhere, my mother is laughing.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Sounds very, very familiar! Thanks for sharing the story.

Are you 31 weeks now? (what is your day of the week for counting down?)

Enjoying your blog! Keep on bloggin'!
